Wednesday, January 28, 2009

so the cast list dropped today. which is a day of pins and needles at the Walt Disney World company for Entertainment. it entails a lot of tears for some, and smiles for others. This casting was no exception. At least 5 people in my break room were in tears, that's not to count the other people im sure that felt in the same in other break rooms across property. I don't mean to boast. but it is MY blog, so i will. I got an amazing 5 day Highschool Musical casting. with the days i wanted off and all. To think of how far I've come in this company is amazing. Starting with my 5 day boat dock hell. then day a week Tweedle Dum into Spectro Magic....ugh the hell. To now being able to do what I've always wanted HSM, every week. Ugh i cried i was so happy. So heres to an amazing ''s gonna be just fine.

Monday, January 26, 2009

post this

sunday came and went. id have to agree with erin postsecret this week was a little well, weak. here are my two...

well it's on a spectro magic postcard. clearly im going to love this.

i have this feeling some days. esp at a bpb cross training night.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Went to Animal Kingdom for the very first time today. Not gonna lie, I had an amazing time. Of course it helped that I was with my man...but it was a beautiful day. No lines, went and saw everything we wanted. It was truly a great, relaxing, fun day. It's not just the beautiful animals, and the breeze, and the warm sun, it's him.
For those that hate mush talk, click away.
I'm so blessed.
I have my stresses, and nothing is perfect in life. all I'm so happy. So content. Having him in my life in the way that he is has completely changed me for the better. It's a look, a touch, and a kiss. All my worries are away. We spent the better part of the past 3 days together. Nights included. We've just been so busy that quality 'us' time hadn't really happened. To wake up and see him, roll over and hold him. is my heaven. I am so in love with him. Like what you see in the movies, or read in books. What I have used to make me wanna vom. Now it's my heroin and I cant get enough of him.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Obama 2009

tomorrow morning our new president Barack Obama will be sworn in. i sit here in my bedroom thinking about what that really means. it's so historic. clearly because he's african american. but also because of his beliefs. i know it's not going to be quick. i know things arent going to magically get better. most likely will take longer than 4 years. however it's a right step. it's the right step. i feel so apart of this election. mainly because it's really the 1st one i've followed and been interested in. but also because i feel like our entire young generation stood up and said something. most of us went out and did something about all the things we sit around work, and online bitching about. i know i did. it's empowering. look what we can do. how lucky we are to live in a country such as America. how lucky we are to be able to disagree with each other. to stand up and have a say. to have a blog that we document every or anything that happens in our life. to have that freedom. to have that dream, if you will. thank you mr.king. i truly believe that peace is possible. it's more than a word. it's a breathe of hope. that we are all one. we are all american people. we are black. we are white. rich and poor. gay straight whatever you believe. we are red, and white, and blue. and that's a powerful thing. im so excited for tomorrow to watch and live this day in history. to feel this empowerment. it's a beautiful thing. and im loving every second of it. is one of my favorite musical artist. but i may have fallen more in love with him for 2 of his songs that he has released about this election and about our president elect. one is 'Yes We Can', which im sure most of the 5 people that follow this blog have read, and the 2nd is 'It's A New Day' (which is my favorite) every time i listen to those songs i get goosebumps. i feel, ugh alive? i feel so strong. so about it all! i just want to get up and get out and show the world how i feel, and how passionate i am about this. making my voice heard. making my beliefs something worth listening to and considering. one day i hope i will be looked at in this country as an equal citizen. i wont give up hope until that day. but i do believe that tomorrow is a perfect step in that direction. in the direction for everyone of us. USA is A-Okay! *wink*

Sunday, January 18, 2009


it's sunday. which means postsecret day!
erin had a few entries about postsecret this past week.
these are the 2 secrets from this week that i really liked and related to.

i really do.

for those of you who dont know. ive been battling an eating disorder for 6 years now. it's an everyday struggle, so i really can relate to this post.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

lets sofa dive together

for some reason i thought this was the cutest and funniest thing i'd seen in a long time. i think we need more of this in our lives. all of us. look how happy those babies were. just jumping off the couch. i want more of that. today after our last show of hsm we did a meet and greet for a little girl. her name was Elizabeth. she was 4 1/2 years young. she watched 4 of our 6 shows today and is a huge sharpay fan. she's apart of the make a wish program. im not exactly sure what was wrong with her, but her mom did tell us that she's had 4 heart surgeries and are hoping thats it. it put things in perspective. having to go through that and still having as much joy as this little girl did. she just wanted to dance and laugh and i told her she was beautiful and she said thank you and gave me a huge hug. i couldnt help but cry a little bit. we complain about the silliest things. even i today was bitching about not liking my phone. then this little angel reminded me that there are so many other important things in this life to be thankful for. to stop and be joyous about. like sofa diving. take a second, be joyous. be grateful. be a child.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

day of nothing

i live the quiet days like today. i woke up to my beautiful boyfriend. kissed him off to work. got up did some laundry and hung up some pictures in the still very new apartment. then the nothing began. it feels nice every once in a while to let go and be boring. esp. in the line of work that i am in. ya know stripping. ;)
let your mind wander into the hundreds of different directions that it does. the stalking of facebook. but im over it now. ready to go back to work bright and early tomorrow.

had color coding last night. was simple enough. did the advanced routine, did some animating. did put somethings into perspective for me. seeing the what seemed to be endless amount of entertainment people that i did not know. i guess living in the same spaces with the same people working the same shift every day you forget how many other people are in the same department. and how good we have it. we may bitch, we may moan, and we may be over it half the time. but for me personally it's a dream. it's a blessing. we have it pretty good. we have it pretty damn good. and i just hope that in the upcoming weeks when the new casting starts that i get to stay so lucky.
ugh over talking about work.

last night i had one of the most amazing nights of my entire life. after color code kelly and i were both so over it we decided to have a fat ass night. so we got waaay to much food and had Dusty came over. we played shakey face (hilarious) and watched movies. amazing.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

celebrate you

yes the rumors are true. the paparazzi got all the good shots. it's all over cnn and mtv. so i figured the least i can do is be open and honest with all my fans.
i am now an american idol
i am now a top model
all in one day.
here's how....

Hollywood Studios has a new attraction coming this spring called the 'American Idol' experience. where our guests will be able to audition and possibly perform for 'producers' in a finale show. so before they open it they are having some cast members go in and audition to allow them to work out some kinks and to give everyone a feel of what it'd be like for actual auditions. it was quite fun. i sang somewhere over the rainbow. i won. im an american idol. i'll be touring spring of 2010.

secondly i spent my evening going with Sarah to get her totally rockstar bangs. pictures soon to come. then when Bry got wind of such fierceness that led to a photoshoot with his new sick camera. pictures also soon to come. his creative angels and ideas of where to place us both are amazing. he really has a talent in this. made me feel like a top model.

Monday, January 5, 2009

for the record...i live for chimanea nights.
my boy.
my best girl.
ugh. what the doctor ordered.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


it was fun and games until i fell in love. Dusty. rather Dustin. our journey hasn't been what some would consider normal. but in all it's worked out well for us. i cant describe in words, or on paper, or on the internet what i feel for him. Dusty went from just a friend, to someone that i had feelings for, to that one special person in my life. i can tell him anything. be my everything. and he still loves me. we laugh all the time. we vent. we cuddle. we get each other. it fits just like a puzzle. like i've been searching for him. i look at him and im at ease. he calls and i start smiling. he touches me and my body starts tingling. im not afraid of the future cause when im with him im just excited about it. we've never had a dull moment. never a bad day. he's my best friend. my guy. my dusty. im so lucky to have found him. he brings so much light and joy into my life. it was a hard choice i had to make 3 months ago. but i took a risk and i've never been happier. besides he's really sexy.

Friday, January 2, 2009


i always said i wanted to go out into the world and do what i wanted. not what was expected of me. or what is the 'norm' to do. a long time ago i decided i wanted to work for Disney. i never realized what that actually meant. or that i'd actually make it a reality. it's been almost a year in this magical place. a year that has flown by. i've made amazing friends. learned some important lessons of life and have done some of the most amazing things that this life has offered me yet. i'll never forget any of it. and i know there is much to come. it's a new year. 2009 is young. full of possibilities and opportunities. i just moved into a beautiful apartment with an amazing girl. and i followed my heart, took a risk and have the most amazing guy in my life that someone could ask for. i'm truly blessed. in this time of economic hurt, i have a great job with good benefits that wont soon be gone. and i get to bring happiness to people of all ages during these hard times. things are falling into place. i'm not only happy. i'm full of joy. contentment. peace. and love. i am alive.